The search for the right hookah charcoal is finally over.
Together with the professionals, CocoGreen designed HOOK AH so that
you can enjoy your tobacco purely without worrying because our hookah charcoal is clean,
they will not break, and the coals also produce less ash.
● Burns hotter ● Burns longer ● 100% tasteless
An efficient, natural and ecologically compatible product.
HOOKAH Shisha Coals are made from 100% coconut shell,
a waste material that we developed into a beneficial product.
The charcoal from coconut shells not only burns hotter and longer,
but also tasteless, does not smoke, does not smell, and does not produce sparks.
With HOOKAH you experience grilling and smoking on a new, incomparably pure way.
When our products are being consumed by the customers, they are automatically
taking part of the social engagement and nature conservation projects that CocoGreen has.
View our values
We develop the quality of CocoGreen products constantly. Thus, we rely on the opinions of our key partners and our customers by collecting the feedbacks on our website and FORUM page. Tell us what you think are good, what and we can do better. Because for us, your opinion does count.
Ready to taste and enjoy the premium natural shisha charcoal? Click the link below to buy.